Thursday, July 31, 2014

Thursday - July 31

Bob: Out fishing this morning before 9. Temp in the 50s so Bonnie stayed in the warm cabin. Trolled for over 2 hours and didn't get one bite. Started to rain so I went back to the cabin. Had about a 3 to 4 mile boat ride  in the rain back to the cabin. Lots of fun.
Oven on and Betty Crocker at work when I got to the cabin.
Missed connections with Karl and Patsy so we didn't go blueberry picking. Took Bonnie to Matachewan so she could see the area. We drove through the bush to the first lake Karl and I fished. Took on another tour to Lake Mistinikon and Garden Island camp entrance. When we got back to Matachewan we stopped at the store for a drink. While there Karl and Patsy pulled up. They had picked blue berries for a couple hours while it was raining. We followed them back to Elk Lake, but took a side trip on the way. Karl took us to the First Nation Reservation. We are not allowed to fish that area unless a native takes you as a guest. It was interesting to say the least. Stopped at the blue berry patch on the way home so we can go when we want. They should be good for a couple more weeks.

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Wednesday - July 30

Bob: Got my first Canadian haircut today. Not too bad. Rained a couple of times today and weather still in the 60s. Went fishing by myself this afternoon while Bonnie was doing the wash. I believe she wants a day off without fishing. Decided to go to Mountain Lake as the wind wasn't blowing much. Stopped about a half mile short of the lake and began to troll. That's when the rain clouds decided to dump their water. Tried to sit through it without putting on rain pants, but finally broke down and put them on. Wasn't too wet except for my left leg which was soaked. After the rain stopped I began casting into the weed beds in Mountain Lake. Didn't get any hits so I started trolling down the lake. Tried different lures and worms without success. Finally put on the lure that Mia caught her pike on. After a short while I landed a walleye. Went a little farther and got a pike. The pike almost completely swallowed the lure. Once I got the lure out the pike seemed dead. Tried to revive it by moving it back and forth in the water. This is supposed to force water through the gills. Anyway he didn't make it and he slipped out of my hands and out of reach. Went to start the motor to get him and the motor would not start. Tried several times, but it would not turn over. By this time I was almost clear to the south end of the lake. Camp is about 2 miles from the north end of the lake and the lake is about 2 miles long. Started for camp using the electric motor. Half way up the lake I told another boater to stop and pull me in if he passed me on his way in. I was just about out of Mountain Lake when I checked the fuel line connection on the gas can. The fitting has already failed once before. It appeared to be fine this time. Went to check the other end of the line that hooks to the motor and it was unhooked. Somehow the line had come off the motor and no gas was going to the motor. Hooked the line up and primed the motor. Started the first time. Headed home as I didn't want to press my luck.

Bonnie:  I spent the day doing wash and cooking a special West Virginia dinner for Bob--beans and cornbread.  I usually use the Jiffy cornbread mixes but I can't find them here, so I tried a recipe off of the internet.  It turned out ok. (It was good!-Bob) A day washing clothes and cooking. Hmm, some things never change!

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Tuesday - July 29

Bob: Another trip to town today to get an estimate for the support rods for the boat cover.
Once the Yamaha dealer found out I had a boat cover and only wanted support rods to hold it up he wasn't interested in helping me anymore so I just left. Another great commercial example of "We want to sell; no time to service!! Need money to pay off purchase loan."
There is another dealer in Elk Lake I can ask, but don't have much hope of them being able to help out.
Put the boat in the water and then began to pull the trailer out of the water. The bow rope caught on the trailer and I drug the boat almost completely out of the water before I heard the scraping noise and stopped. Took 3 of us to lift the stern and drag the boat into the water. Almost tore off the transducer for the fish finder. Felt like the keystone cops!! But its in the water and all is well. Another lesson learned. Seems we are learning so much this summer.
And by the way, the low tonight is expected to be 49 and it is not supposed to get into the 70s until Saturday. An air conditioner salesman would starve to death up here. Hope everyone south of the border is enjoying the heat down there!

Bonnie:  What a long day.  Bob looked into the support rods but decided against getting them until later. The next stop was the church where he met a man from the Branch to do some fishing.  There is a beautiful, big lake right in front of the church. I stayed at the church and did some important calls for my health insurance and practiced the piano for Primary. (It's the only place we have access to a telephone.  It was to an 800 number.) Then it was to our friend's house, Lorraine and Larry Wiwchar's who had invited us to lunch. Then, the husbands decided to go fishing that afternoon.  I  had a great time talking to Lorraine.  By the time they got back, it was close to 6, so we left for home.  After a few errands we made it home about 8:30.  Of course, we had to put the boat back in the water, and that took some maneuvering! Maybe Bob will tell about that. I'm ready for an early bedtime!

Monday, July 28, 2014

Monday - July 28

Bob: Went berry picking at Wiwchar's this morning. There were tons of berries. Finally quit as we don't have room to keep anymore. Checked with a boat dealer about getting some bows installed on the boat to support the cover when trailing the boat. Taking the boat to Haileybury tomorrow so they can measure it and get the parts. Bought some Williams Wabler Spoons today. Before I got them to the boat one came up missing. Have no idea what happened to it. Tried casting the red and white one off the dock. In about 15 minutes I caught a 24" and a 21" pike. Now we have more fish than we know what to do with. Went back out this evening and caught one walleye. Put him back as I am tired of cleaning fish.

Bonnie:  We have so many berries now, both strawberries and raspberries! I will have to be creative to use them up.  I can't believe all the raspberries in Wiwchar's garden.  And soon there will be blueberries.  I think we'll wait to pick them when Chris comes up with his family.
We hope the people in New Martinsville, WV are ok.  Yesterday early evening there was a tornado.  It was right up the street where we used to live! We understand that no one was hurt, but there was lots of damage.

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Sunday July 27

Bonnie:  We got back from church about 5:00, after visiting some branch members.  I'm glad everyone is so friendly here, because it always seems like we need help finding the right streets, etc.  It was difficult to say good-bye to Shannan and the kids.  I'm sure they thought it was great not to have to wear their Sunday dress clothes to church!  It's seems so quiet in the cabin right now.  We're praying for their safe return to Utah.  Bob and I are looking forward to the visit of Chris, my oldest son, and his family, in about two weeks.  Again, everyone is welcome to come up here!
Tomorrow or Tuesday our friend Larry will be letting us pick his raspberries.  More raspberry pie, I guess!

Bob: Yes, more raspberry pie!! Got an email from Shannan that they made it to London alright. Below are some pictures taken at the Branch this morning before they left.

Saturday, July 26, 2014

Saturday - July 26

Bob: 8:30 am and 4 still in bed. First mate doing her exercise routine, but I can't talk myself into doing mine. Pancakes and eggs this morning.
The guys I went fishing with last night are in a pike fishing tournament today out past Matachewan on Mistinikon Lake. That is the lake Karl showed me the day he and I went to Matachewan to fish. He told me they pay $230 to enter their team and 1st prize is $6000. Largest fish earns $1000. Asked me if I wanted to go. They were in a tournament here last year and took 2nd. Caught all their pike on Mountain Lake. Showed me what spoons they use. They said the Willams Wabler is the best spoon.
Day is over. Kids are in bed and asleep, hopefully. Broke out the Mexican Train game tonight. Played a few games with the kids and then the 3 of us played afterwards. Game got a little complicated once just the 3 of us played. Up till then we were playing a simpler version.

Bonnie:  2:00 pm, 5 up and 1 asleep!  See accompanying picture :-) Hee Hee Hee! We're having a relaxing day of a boat ride, bikes, games, and raspberry pie.  (And Shannan getting ready to leave for Utah after church tomorrow.)  By the way, a spoon is a metal fishing lure.

Shannan: Beckham played with a leech today. Goodnight.

Friday, July 25, 2014

Friday - July 25

Bob: Bonnie, Faith, Mia and I went fishing this morning at 8:15. Faith caught her first fish. She is pictured with it below. Could not get her to hold it. Had to put it back in the lake though as it needs to grow up some.
We went berry picking again at Bowman's. I'll let Bonnie tell you about that. Stopped at the Cheese Factory and checked out their ice cream. Still as good as ever. From there we made a quick trip to New Liskeard for gas, bank and post office.
After dinner Mia, Beckham, Olivia (a friend), Shannan and I went fishing, but no bites. The kids tired of fishing pretty quickly so we brought them back about 8:15. Then Faith, Ray (Olivia's dad), Chris (Ray's partner) and I went to Mountain Lake. Chris caught a couple pike but the rest of us were shut out.
Bonnie stayed home to bake a raspberry pie with the berries we picked today and some tarts. She used the Tenderflake lard in the crusts. Pretty close to perfection!! She'll have to practice some more and I can test them out!!!!!!

Shannan: I almost fell out of the boat, face first, into the water, today. That is all. (It was close!-Bob)

Faith's Pike

Ice cream at Thornloe cheese factory. I have 2 cones because I am holding Bonnie's.

Bonnie:  I was pleasantly surprised at the amount of berries we were able to pick.  There were even some strawberries left for us to pick.  It was a challenge not to eat them until they were paid for!  My crust was not as good as my friend's, but it was good, I admit.  We'll try the pie tomorrow.

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Thursday - July 24

Bob: No fishing today!! Everyone got up this morning and ate a big breakfast of eggs, bacon, fried potatoes and toast. We hurried and got dressed so we could get to Cobalt, the Silver Capital of Canada, for a 1:00 underground mine tour. On the way, Shannan experienced gasoline shock of $107.00!! We were the only ones on the tour so we could ask all the questions we wanted. I think everyone came away thankful they were not a silver miner in the early 1900s.
Next we stopped to recharge our energy levels at the local ice cream confectionery.
Decided to try and find the short walking trail to a place called Devil's Rock. Instructions said it was an unmarked trail head with very little parking. Looking at the map we had an idea where it might be. Finally saw a small place to pull off the road and park, but there was one running car already there(!) No one was in it, or they were passed out on the floor.  Anyway, there was a small, faded wooden sign with a pointed arrow and 'Devils Rock' painted in black. Barely noticeable, but Shannan spotted it. The trek in to the lookout took about 25 minutes. The view from the summit with its 300 foot drop to the lake is spectacular. Posted some photos below.
Stopped for a late lunch at 'Gramma's Chipper' in North Cobalt. Good thing this diner isn't in Elk Lake or I might be putting on a couple pounds. Fries with hot beef gravy are pretty good.
After lunch it was shopping time in New Liskeard. Hit the Giant Tiger, Dollarama, Food Basics and Walmart. Got to camp about 8:00 and it started to rain just after we got back. So the kids had a snack and we played games.

Bonnie:  The view from Devil's Rock was so awesome!  We could see Quebec across from Lake Timiskaming and lot of islands in the pretty blue water.  And we ate several handfuls of wild blueberries that were growing there. That was a special unplanned treat!  When we got back, we adults weren't hungry so we just snacked a bit and the kids had sandwiches.  We had a fun time playing games after that until bedtime.  I'm so glad I brought some different games with us!  This was a great day for everyone.

Shannan: My favorite parts of the day were: the hike, the blueberries, Gramma's, and the games.  The hike was beautiful and it was fun for the kids (and Nana and Pap Pap) to find their perfect walking sticks.  Of all the hikes and outdoor adventures I've been on, I don't remember ever being able to eat a berry found in the wild. The blueberries were delicious! The only downside was being on the edge of a 300 foot cliff. Nothing stops a mom's heart like watching her littles play near a huge drop off. Gramma's was so yummy, Pap Pap grabbed a menu to take home...I'm pretty sure they'll be back. To end this fantastic day, we played games. Of course we played some "Pit" that ended with Faith finally beating Pap Pap with a corner on cocoa and Mia saying, "Hey! I was collecting cocoa!" They'll catch on how to play, eventually.

Standing on the edge of the 300 foot cliff.

Panoramic view from the cliff

Beckham and Mia enjoying wild blueberries.

Sitting on the edge. That is Quebec on the horizon.

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Wednesday - July 23

Bob: 63 degrees at 12:25. Still planning on swimming this afternoon. They will become honorary members of the polar bear club!! Bonnie has been washing clothes all morning. 5 loads done. Dryer may be in use all day.
Went to the beach about 1:20. Shannan, Bonnie and I all had jackets on. Faith went in the water, but didn't get her bathing suit wet. Mia went swimming. Beckham got his suit wet, but did not get completely in the water. We only stayed a few minutes then we ate our picnic lunch. Took the kids to play with Patsy's kids.
After dinner we went trolling, but didn't get a bite. Got back about 9:00. Hopefully tomorrow will be warmer.

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Tuesday - July 22

Bob: Went to clean the fish, but a fisherman came up from the dock and needed someone to tow him back to his camp. His motor quit on him right in front of our camp. Pulled he and his wife back to their camp.
Pictures of Mia's pike and my bass are below.  Her pike was 29 inches and my bass was 16. Both fish are in the fridge awaiting the fish fry tonight where they will be guests of honor!!
Getting ready to take the kids to the beach. Tomorrow is predicted to have a high of 69.
The day at the beach went pretty well. Patsy showed up with 3 of her foster kids. Mason, the boy, was sick and couldn't come. All the girls had fun together. I finally made it in the water, but I didn't stay in too long. Water is only about 70 degrees, but I must admit it felt pretty good once I got used to it.
Had a fish fry this evening. All but 2 pieces of the pike and bass are gone. Mia washed the dishes tonight and Faith rinsed. Mia said this the first time she has ever washed dishes by hand. Wind is blowing and we're getting a few sprinkles so tonight we're not going fishing. Shannan is playing a game with Beckham who is making up the rules as they go along. Bonnie and the girls are watching a Huckleberry Finn movie.

Left to right: Faith, Mia, Jenn, Serenity and Beckham.

Faith, Mia and Bob after they 'SWAM' to the platform.

Bob and Summer.

Monday, July 21, 2014

Monday - July 21

Bob: Well we have been here a month today. Seems like such a short time ago that we arrived.
Anyway, Shannan and the kids arrived last night around 11:00. Everyone hid their exhaustion pretty well. After the kids were in bed we stayed up pretty late talking. Shannan said the gas stations in Canada close early on Sundays. She hadn't seen one open for a long time. Her trip advisor said she has about 60 miles range left and she would be out of gas.
Everyone got up late this morning. I was first up at 5 till 8!! None of us got out of the cabin till after 11 I am sure. Shannan, Bonnie and I worked on cleaning the disaster in the back seat of their car. Looked like a group of the campers had stayed in the car for a week. Anyway after about an hour we got it cleaned up and I washed the 10,000 bugs off the front end of her car. Everyone is on their way to Elk Lake right now to 'tour' town. On their parting Bonnie said the dishes need done, but you go ahead and read your book!! Guess I'll get to work.
And Scott, does the lady give the cards to non-members she meets?
Everyone but Bonnie went fishing this afternoon. Mia hooked onto a pretty large northern pike that I helped her land. It is the biggest fish so far. I'll measure it in the morning.
After dinner the kids went swimming. Bonnie and I got ready to go fishing. When we got to the dock the kids wanted to go too. Everyone thought they wanted to be back early. When they finally checked the time it was almost 9. We pulled in our lines and I dropped them off at the dock. Decided to do one more pass in front of the cabins on the north side of camp. Was on my way back in when I thought I caught something. Set the hook and a couple seconds later a huge fish broke the water about 50 yards behind the boat. Reeled him in and he is the biggest bass I have ever caught. Have both Mia's pike and my bass on a stringer at the dock. Will get some good pictures tomorrow morning.

Here is a picture of Mia's pike. I'll get a good picture of it in the morning.

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Sunday - July 20

Bob: Today has been quite an eventful day. When we got to church the Branch President met me and said that the set of Elders had been transferred out. However, he had received permission to call Bonnie and I as Branch Missionaries. He would have us sustained this morning. When Bonnie brought up training he said to not worry, just go meet the branch members. Bonnie asked what we were to do if someone wanted to take the lessons. He said just a minute and left. When he came back he gave her a copy of "Preach My Gospel". We will see how things progress.
After church, after visiting with the branch clerk and his mother and step-father, we decided to visit an elderly sister who had celebrated her 93rd birthday. Her address was listed as Cobalt so we headed there. I thought I had remembered seeing the street name. Well, we couldn't find the street so we finally stopped and asked 3 locals who were sitting on the steps in front of their home. They did not know the street, but one old codger said, "Who are you looking for? I know everyone in Cobalt." We explained who we were looking for, but our pronunciation of her name threw him off for a while. Finally he was able to give us directions to her house, but added "...she doesn't live there anymore." After about half of hour of listening to his tales about the area we headed back towards the church. We eventually found the sister and spent about an hour with her and her grand daughter. Both are members. Then we went to visit another man who is in a nursing home. We wound up going to the wrong building, but finally located where he is. By that time we could not get to see him because we had a dinner appointment with the Branch Clerk and his non-member mother. I'll let Bonnie tell you about them.
Yesterday at the brunch the Branch Clerk did the waffle cooking. He said he had never made them before or used a waffle iron. I must say they were the best I have ever had. Then tonight he fixed omelets for dinner. They were delicious. And Bonnie has told you about his mother's pie. Trudy also served us 'butter (something)'. We would call them tarts. Believe me, they are out of this world. Can't wait for the first mate to make some. I took a picture of Bonnie walking with Trudy yesterday on the Branch hike. The Branch President's wife is in front with Jenn, their 11 year old foster child. Ron Vottero, ex-Branch President and his wife are in the rear.

Bonnie: I don't know the words to explain about Jack, the branch clerk's step-father.  He loves horses and was raised with Mennonite ideas, although he says he is not Mennonite. After we visited with Jack and Trudy and our branch clerk, they invited us back for dinner after we made some visits. He saw us coming out of the nursing home, riding around in the cart below, pulled by one of his horses.  He invited me to drive the horse and cart back to his home for dinner!  I'm not real good with horses, but with his help we made it back to his property.  He loves this place (North Cobalt), and for awhile was harbormaster.  He gave visitors tours of the city which has a famous history. Often the visitors after hearing Jack's stories would change their minds about leaving and stay an extra day or two to 'finish the tour'. In reality, Jack was sparking their interests so they would stay longer which was an economic benefit enjoyed by the locals. For a time Cobalt was the silver capital of Canada.  He is a very fun, interesting man.  But, one of the best parts of the day was dessert.  We had the best pie I have ever eaten in my life! Trudy gave me the recipe for the crust.  It has baking powder and eggs in it!  I can't wait to try it out.  I also need to get "Tenderflake" which is a type of lard.  It may sound gross, but I promise the pie crust literally melts in your mouth.  It's been a full day. We're now waiting to hear from Shannan, who is on her way up here from Green Bay, Wisconsin.  She left Utah last Thursday with her kids.  It will be so fun to have visitors!  Anyone who'd like to make the trip is welcome!!

This is Jack and I when I first got on the sled. He immediately handed me the reins and said Bob could meet us back at the house. And away we went...

(Bonnie back at the house. What happened to Jack? - Bob)

Saturday, July 19, 2014

Saturday - July 19

Bob: Went to the Branch walk and brunch. It was a short walk, but the waffles with fruit were delicious. Bonnie and I visited 3 members of the Branch today. 2 are inactive. Visits went well. After dinner we went fishing and caught 3 walleye. Weren't real big, but they'll taste great. Haven't heard anything from Shannan since this morning. She is on her way to Green Bay, Wisconsin today. Should arrive in Elk Lake tomorrow night some time. Weather is starting to heat up. Either in the high 70s or low 80s until Wednesday when it is supposed to dip back into the 60s. Rebounds back to the 70s on Thursday however.

Friday, July 18, 2014

Friday - July 18

Bob: Got back to camp about 9:10. It has been a very long two days. Sister Ann Margetson is a remarkable lady. She is originally from England and quite a proper lady. Bonnie can tell you more about her. Got to get up early and head back to Haileybury tomorrow morning for a Branch activity and brunch. Definitely don't want to miss the brunch!!

Bonnie: Ann is such fun!  She loves all the arts, but especially music and literature.  She writes poetry almost every day.  She is the poet laureate of Cobalt, Ontario.  I wouldn't be surprised if she writes a poem about our trip to the Temple.  We stayed with one of the friends she knew when she was a stake relief society president in Toronto, another very special lady.  We did three sessions, two last night and one today.  It's a long trip but well worth it.  On the way back, we had a hamburger at the best hamburger place in North America, Webers, according to Ann.  I must admit it was delicious.

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Thursday - July 17

Bob: Up early today. We are headed for Toronto today to attend the temple. I think it is about 6 hours away. Taking Sister Ann Margetson with us. She is the Branch chorister. Probably won't have the opportunity to add anything else today, so we will report Friday when we return. Everyone have a great day.

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Wednesday - July 16

Bob: Got home at 9:30PM. Left this morning at 8:00 for Kipawa River Lodge in Quebec. It is about 60 miles from here, but takes almost 2 hours to drive because of the little towns you pass through and the dirt road you take into the camp. This place looks like something out of a Thomas Kinkade painting. The owners, Scott and Pat Sorensen, who are from Orem, Utah, have owned the camp for over 30 years and it is beautiful. They are there from May 15th to September 15th. We did some fishing (caught 1 walleye), hiking, and spent some time in their sauna. They fixed us a walleye feast at 5:30. Delicious. Posted a picture of their home/lodge below. They have 3 additional cabins. Each cabin can handle almost 15 people. Everything is propane. The cabins have solar panels, but they only have enough light to run a few 12 volt camping lights in each cabin. Their closest neighbor to the north is about 12 miles while the closest neighbor on the south is over 20 miles. I did not see any piece of ground along the river that you could put a cabin. Their cabin is at the base of the Kipawa River which empties into Lake Timiskaming just to the left of the cabins. It is a beautiful sight.

This is an aerial view I found on the Internet. Their home is the big green roof. The small green roof to the left is a cabin called the Boat House. It now has an addition on the back of it. The white dot behind this cabin is the sauna. Seats several people. The light blue roof is another cabin and there is a dark green roof to the right and above it that is the 3rd cabin. There is a rectangle above the light blue roof you can partially make out. This used to be a tennis court that Lana Turner wanted put in before she came to this camp with her husband, Bob Topping. Not sure just who he is, but we have a book with all the information. Will update you on that later. The kayaking event is the 3rd weekend in June. This year was the 28th consecutive year of its running. As Bonnie said, participants come from all over the world to participate. The lodge has a fish fry on Saturday night for the participants. There were over 80 of them this year. Access to the camp is by road now, but for years the only way in was by boat. However, when the road is wet you must have a four wheel drive as the road goes down a very steep embankment just before it enters the grassy area you see at the top. We had to park at the top of the hill and walk down. About a 5 minute walk at the most.

Bonnie:  This is quite the place!  Quebec is fun because almost everyone speaks french.  All of the signs and businesses are in french.  They have the best ice cream there, too, better than Ontario in my opinion.  The lodge is about 30 feet from the lake. The view is stunning. We hiked up a trail by the river.  There are lots of rapids there.  In fact every year kayakers from all over the world come to ride them.  It was great talking to Pat and her daughter who was visiting.  Very memorable.

PS After the men went into the sauna, all but Bob jumped into the lake, which was 63 degrees. Party pooper!! (Of course, I didn't go into the sauna to begin with.  I was just fine inside the lodge.)

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Tuesday - July 15

Bob: Up at 7:15 this morning. Sky is overcast and temp at 9:30 is 54 with high of 68 predicted. Chance of rain is 71%. Bacon, eggs and potatoes for breakfast as we are out of milk. Bonnie is doing the shopping today and Linda can't go with her. So I am going along as assistant. Probably won't have time to do much fishing today as tomorrow we will be leaving early for a trip to Sorensen's camp in Quebec. They are the couple from Orem.
Too much rain to fish. Going to watch the All-Star game.

Bonnie:  We did the shopping and didn't get back until 4:30 or 5.  I can't believe what Bob has me buy. These are the treats we now have in our cabin: four bags of chips, two kinds of cookies, ice cream, candy bars, donuts and a blueberry pie. How can this be good for a man who is prediabetic? Go figure!  As soon as we got home I began doing wash, despite pouring rain.  When it was time to start the dryer, it didn't start!  It can't be fixed until tomorrow. How am I supposed to dry the clothes?? Thankfully, Herman and Linda are letting us use their dryer.  I have two loads of wash to dry, so it's back and forth in the downpour.  But, when I think about the pioneers and early 1900s I count my blessings for modern conveniences.  At least we will have clean clothes for the next week.  I'm happy for finding the things we need in town, too. We are very blessed in so many ways!

Monday, July 14, 2014

Monday - July 14

Bob: 8:23am, the sun is shinning, the breeze is blowing, the temperature is 57. I don't have to go to work. I am in the one place I want to be and the one person I want to be with is with me. How much more can one person be blessed? It just isn't possible. Good morning to all. Hope you feel as great as I do right now. Bonnie is going with a ride with Patsy and I'll go feed the fish. There is a 57% change of rain though. Hopefully it will not be a down pour, but a Utah sprinkle only.

Fished till about 5:30. Caught one little walleye that I threw back. Had one pike up to the boat, but he got off somehow. Reeled him in a good ways and then he took a dive near the boat. Hook came out for some reason. Don't understand that. 1st mate is home and planning dinner. Having steak, green beans with bacon and onion, pasta salad and blueberry pie. Wish we had come to Canada sooner!

During dinner we had a hard shower. But fishermen don't fear the weather. Wiped everything off, bailed out the boat and took off for Mountain Lake. Takes 8 minutes to get there when conditions are ideal. Tonight was perfect. No wind and no boats to slow down for. Fished till 9:30. Bonnie caught 2 pike that we threw back because I didn't want to clean them. She also caught a perch. I caught 2 walleye. Not trophies, but worth eating. Cleaned fish in the cabin again as the mosquitoes were waiting at the dock when we landed!! Not a lot of fillets, but enough for a meal.

Bonnie:  I spent time with the Br. Pres.'s wife this afternoon and got quite the tour of Englehart where she grew up.  She also told me about some members of the Branch that live there that Bob and I will visit sometime soon.  I enjoy going with her as she takes her foster kids from place to place!  She's very good company.
Tomorrow is shopping day.  It's still sometimes a challenge to find what I need. Things are packaged differently and most things are sold by grams and not pounds, etc.  I've had to sharpen up my math skills to figure stuff out!  Also, milk is not in plastic jugs, but in bags.  They sell 4 liters in 3 bags that are sold together.  You have to put each bag in a pitcher and cut the corner to use the milk.  It's quite the learning experience.

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Sunday - July 13

Bonnie:  I gave my talk and it was about 17-18 minutes, which is a record for me.  I'm so glad it is over.  At the end I told our "tithing" story from the Dawn Drive house.  Which of my kids remember it?  After church, we had a delicious pot luck dinner.  It was great to visit with the Branch Members.  Saturday is a "Walk" and then a waffle breakfast.  We will be going into town (New Liskeard about 40 miles away) four days this week, which will really use up the gas! Tuesday is shopping day, Wednesday we are meeting the Wiwchars (I'm spelling it right; he is Ukrainian) to go see a camp owned by members of the Church from Orem on the other side of Lake Temiskaming, about 45 miles from where we attend church.  This Brother Sorensen puts on presentations for fourth-graders all over the west as a mountain man when he is  home in Orem. He wrote a book with letters from fourth-graders to him, and signed it for us!  It is a wonderful book that I will show my grandchildren when I see them.  More Wednesday on that adventure!  Then, Thursday we are going to the Toronto Temple with an older sister from the Branch.  We'll be back on Friday.  The Branch "Walk" is Saturday, of course.  I think it will be an exciting week!  I'm looking forward to  it.

Bob: Taught the lesson on baptism in Priesthood today. Went pretty well. Most everyone participated and there were NO disagreements. I have been to 4 Priesthood lessons so far and disagreements do come up. Skype worked somewhat today for the first time. Not all of our conversation was getting picked up at Shannan's and the video we were watching made people look as though they were moving like robots, but the 1st mate was so excited. We got a good rain last night and I bailed a good bit of water out of the boat today. Winds have died down and it is rather peaceful outside. Campground is emptying out some also. Several people here in cabins right now. I counted 9 boat trailers earlier today. Several boats are pulled up on shore as the camps main dock only has room for 6 boats. They will eventually need to add some more dock space I think.
As Bonnie listed above there are several things going on this week. The Wednesday trip will be about 2 1/2 to 3 hours one way into Quebec. The temple trip is about 5 1/2 to 6 hours one way. Staying all night with another sister in Toronto who rents rooms to temple patrons. They Saturday back to the Branch for the walk and waffle breakfast. Suggested to Karl and the Brother Sauve today that we need some eggs with the waffles. Think we'll do that, but I may be the cook!
Mentioned to Brother Sorensen that I went fishing with Karl yesterday. He asked me if we went to Heart Attack Lake. Took me a few seconds to understand. The lake we went to (Sunday Lake) is where Karl had a heart attack in 2013. After he had the attack he had to pull his boat, motor and gear back to the truck and load his 4 grand kids. Then he drove to the hospital in Englehart, about an hour away. Doctor told him he didn't know why Karl was still alive. Some pictures of Sunday (Heart Attack) Lake are below. There is nothing around the lake but trees as you see. One cabin is on the lake. There is a road back to the cabin, but the cabin sits on top of a very steep bank. It is easier to drag your canoe/boat through the bush as we did than to drive to the cabin and drag the canoe/boat down the hill. Obviously, dragging the canoe/boat UP the hill would be the BIG problem. This lake is on the road to Cooke Lake where my dad fished many years ago.

Saturday, July 12, 2014

Saturday - July 12

Bob: It's 5:30 and I am fished out for the day. Went with Karl to Sunday Lake. It's only about 6 miles from Elk Lake, but you then drive back through the bush about 1/3 of a mile. Unload your canoe and drag it about 100 yards through the woods to the lake. We caught 7 pike only one of them small. Had to throw 1 big one back as we were over our limit for pike greater than 24". And we did get rained on for about 10 minutes, but it wasn't much rain. About like a Utah rain. In WV they call it a sprinkle. Helped Karl clean the fish and then headed home.
Cabin 8 has a Mormon family in it. They are Randy and Carolyn Johnson. They're from Southern Ontario, but he grew up around here. His family owned Mountain Chutes camp until the early 80's. There are people from Pennsylvania in cabin 3 beside us, but haven't met any of them yet. Herman told me they have been coming here for over 30 years. They have 15 in their group. 4 tents are set up around the cabin. Cabin 7 has some people from Wooster, Ohio area. Met them. They have been coming up since about 1998. 

Starting into the bush to Sunday Lake.

Looking back at what we just came out of as we left Sunday Lake. The road goes straight into the bush, it does NOT turn to the right as it appears.

We had just put the canoe back on the truck. Straight in front of the canoe is the path we took to the lake. Its like that clear to the lake.

The 5 pike we kept from Sunday Lake.

The pike I threw back because of being over the limit.

Bonnie:  Bob is taking a nap on the couch.  I've just finished making a pasta salad and chocolate chip cookies for tomorrow's lunch after church.  I'm anxious to get my talk over with!!
Today I went to the library.  It will cost me $10 for my card.  The librarian let me check out books today even tho' I didn't have the cash to pay them.  I'll pay them when I return the books.  More tomorrow...

Friday, July 11, 2014

Friday - July 11

Bob: Up at the bright hour of 7:45 today. Sun is bright and a light breeze is blowing. Temp is a cool 57, but will get into the 70s today. Time for breakfast and stretching.
The worse part of fishing is the cleaning. The fish were still biting, but we had to come in so I could clean the fish. Took about an hour to clean them.

Bonnie:  Bob had a great day fishing.  He caught a 22"pike this morning.  Tonight he caught another pike, three walleye and two very nice perch. We're giving the pike to Karl and his family tomorrow when Bob goes fishing with him.  The rest we will totally enjoy! He is cleaning the fish in our cabin as I write.  The fish cleaning hut is full of mosquitoes.  It's a smelly, bloody business.
Tomorrow I hope to go to Elk Lake Library.  It has very limited hours.  It's open tomorrow from 12:30 to 4:30.  I hope I can check out some books.  It's less expensive than getting them on Amazon Kindle.

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Thursday - July 10

Bob: Up at 6:30 for breakfast and scriptures. Waiting on 1st mate to arise. Catching up on computer work. Temp up to 54 at 8:45. High predicted for 73 with not much chance of rain. Winds look like they have died down some.
No luck fishing this morning, but look at this sky. These were shot just up river from our camp. The clouds are so close it looks like you can almost reach up and touch them. Just beautiful.

Bob: We went for another bike ride. Bonnie made 16 miles while I did 21. Stopped about a mile down the road and talked to a lady who had some items for sale. She told us to be careful of bears as they are around. Last week one tried to get into her screened-in porch. It had one paw through the screen, but her dog scared it away! Everyone says bear will run from humans unless you get between the mama and her cubs. I'm not convinced all the bears know that.
Time for supper. First batch of chili, biscuits and some grilled veggies, topped off with blueberry pie and ice cream. We're really roughing it.
Fishing went pretty well this evening. Bonnie is getting the hang of it. Spinning reel is giving her fits though. I think the line was put on incorrectly and that is causing the problem. Cut some line off tonight and that helped some. No big fish tonight. The perch sure ate a lot of our worms. And Bonnie did re-hook a worm, but not without some sighing and wincing. But a good job!!
Planned a fishing trip with Karl. Going to try a pike lake Saturday. He says they take a lot of 30" and bigger pike out of that lake. If they aren't biting there he said there is another lake not far we will try. Have to carry a canoe into both of these lakes. Probably won't take my 3 tackle boxes and 4 fishing poles. Will take the camera and LIFE JACKET. After all, I did throw Karl in the lake the last time we were in the same boat. Payback could happen. Can't wait to go though.

Bonnie:  Today I will finish my talk, clean some, and practice Primary songs.  Oh yes, and probably do some fishing.  We need to catch some fish so we can have it for dinner at least a few nights each week.  The pressure's on!!
I had a relatively good evening fishing.  I caught half a clam, a minuscule perch which we threw back into the river, a small perch and small walleye which we will eat tomorrow night. And I had a first tonight.  I actually touched a worm!  It was hanging off the line and Bob told me to put part of the worm back on the hook, which I did!  Worms are gross, by the way. When we got back the Br. President was waiting for us on the dock.  He gave us a list of the members of this branch.  We'll try to visit as many as we can while we are here.  Because we've not been trained as missionaries, it's a little daunting.  But we will be prayerful and hopefully will be able to do some good.

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Wednesday - July 9

Bob: Up at a bright and early 8:15 this morning. Fixed bacon, eggs and potatoes for breakfast. 1st mate wasn't really in favor of that but she ate her half anyway. Says she owes me pancakes now. It is a cool 56 degrees right now (10:00) with high of 58 predicted, but no rain. Pike should be in the shallow water today. Time to exercise and then hit the lake. 1st mate just got out of the shower. She took a rug outside to shake it off and when she came back in she left the door open. Wonder how long it will take her to discover that error.
We've been inside most of the day because of the weather. It is cool, but the wind is really strong. Blows the boat and makes it too hard to control. Spent the afternoon watching the last 3 episodes of 24, 1st season. Now that's it's over we'll have to watch something else.
Went for a ride out towards Englehart tonight, but didn't see any bear. Did find a buffalo ranch however. Couple pictures of them are below. Also a picture of the fish finder screen from the other night. Reading from the top is the depth, water temperature and MPH we're moving. Talk to you tomorrow.

Bonnie: It's really been an uneventful day because of the weather--it's been too cold and windy to fish.  I worked a little on my talk.  I also did two loads of wash.  Some things never change!!

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Tuesday - July 8

Bonnie:  Tuesdays will be my shopping day from now on.  Linda, the owner of the camp, and I will take turns driving to New Liskeard for groceries.  Food, along with most other things, is very expensive up here.  And there are differences in some things, like cheese.  It is sold in smaller quantities and pricey.  I'm starting to get the hang of things, though.  A few stores take only cash or a debit card which we don't have, so Bob and I have to have cash on hand.  Bob went for a bike ride while I was gone, and will be going fishing tonight with Isaac.  Meanwhile, I will be working on my talk.  More later from Bob.

Bob: Weather started off cloudy and has just gotten worse late in the afternoon and evening. Bonnie went food shopping with Linda while I swept and mopped the cabin. Also cleaned all the dead insects out of the channels for the sliding windows and door. Went for a bike ride of about 23 miles. Got back to the cabin just after Bonnie got home from shopping. Isaac and I went fishing tonight. We caught one pike (threw back), 2 perch and 1 walleye. So much wind we had to quit about 9:00. And it did rain on us, but it was just a sprinkle. It was 64 degrees at noon but the temp has dropped to a current 58 degrees. High tomorrow of 61 and then in the 70s clear through Monday. Bonnie has the portable heater going and all air conditioning turned off. The thermometer on the wall says 80, but she still has a long sleeve shirt on plus a hooded sweat shirt on her shoulders.

Monday, July 7, 2014

Monday - July 7

Bob: Went to pick strawberries with Larry Wiwcher this morning. After that Bonnie went to visit Sister Wiwcher and had a scary experience which I'll let her tell you about. I went looking for a phone plan while Larry went swimming at the local pool. As of now we still don't have a phone plan. Larry and I went to look at a couple lakes and possible boat entry places. Did not get back to camp till after 5.
Filled the truck up with gas - $120.00!! Got 5 gallons of gas for the outboard motor - $32.00. Have no idea how these folks afford it up here unless they are get a rebate on gasoline that we foreigners buy. At least the strawberries were only 1.70 per pound. More later.
Just had a visit from the Branch President. He wanted one of us to speak on Sunday. Since I have already volunteered to teach priesthood Bonnie gets the honors. That's her second scary experience today!!
Weather has been on the cool side today with some rain. Took quite a while to bail the boat this evening. Tomorrow is supposed to pour.
Just had a visit from the camp drunk!! Some guy knocked on our door and he has had more than enough to drink. He heard some people partying so he came to investigate. Said it sounded like they were having a good time. He finally said he must have the wrong cabin. We don't know. We haven't heard anything going on tonight.

Bonnie:  So now I've got to prepare a 20 minute talk for Sunday!  And I don't have a subject, so I think it will be doubly hard.  Oh well, I knew this was coming.  It will be good to get it over with. We just froze about 6 pounds of fresh strawberries tonight.  They are delicious.  This berry patch will have raspberries in 3-4 weeks that they will not be advertising. For sure we will be back for those.  Also, two people have told me that blueberries will be coming on later in the summer, and those are found out in the wild for anyone to pick.  We will be having a berry nice summer!!
As for my first scary experience, I dropped off Bob and Larry and then headed for Lorraine's house to wait with her for our husbands to return.  The only problem was I went in the wrong direction--north instead of south!  I could have sworn that I was going in the direction that Larry told me to go. I drove and drove and drove, looking for the right road. So, there I was, without a cell phone somewhere in northern Ontario, praying with all my heart to find this road.  I finally turned around to retrace my steps.  I figured when they knew I was lost that Bob might go back to where I left them off.  I finally stopped at the cheese factory we had been to and asked them where this road was.  They told me how to go, and I finally found Lorraine's house.  I was so relieved, as you can imagine.  What a day, topped off by this tipsy man who reeked of alcohol.  When I told him we were Mormons and didn't drink he started to tell us about the Mennonites and Amish people that live here.  He was hilarious!

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Sunday - July 6

Rained last night and as we were driving to church. Home now and not raining. Temperature is 70 with high of 72 expected. Bonnie turned off the air conditioning (shut both doors). Supposed to rain the next 2 days with temperatures near 74 tomorrow and 65 on Tuesday. Will post more later. Got to run as missionaries are coming for dinner at 4:00. They drive 60 miles to get to church.
By the way, here is the picture as we crossed the border.

Bonnie:  Just for the record air conditioning consists of opening doors and windows. I like our Branch more and more.  There are great discussions in Gospel Doctrine class. And there were some wonderful testimonies given today, including Bob's. There were 6 of us plus the RS President in Relief Society, after Sis. Margetson and I got back from doing the Primary music.  I'm slowly getting better at the piano, at least the melody! As Bob said the missionaries will be here for dinner in a little while.   If all goes well we'll have a good dinner for them. One is from Idaho and one is from Alberta.  I hope they like sour cream chicken enchiladas!  More later...

Saturday, July 5, 2014

Saturday - July 5

Bob: Up early. Fixed breakfast for us, eggs, bacon and potatoes. Going fishing with Karl and some of his grandchildren this morning. Bonnie is preparing for having the missionaries over for dinner tomorrow. Thanks to getting the metformin from Pat my blood sugar is better today.
Fishing didn't go too well today. My boat got skunked, but Karl's boat got 6 pike. He had his foster son, Mason, who is 4, and one granddaughter. I had 4 teenage girls in my boat. We didn't get one bite, but caught one clam, 2 hats and a lot of weeds. I did hear some new songs and gibberish that I didn't understand. Had a walleye dinner anyway. We caught it on Thursday night.

Bonnie: It's been quite a day.  After Pat dropped off her grandchildren she came back and said she had a flat tire and asked me to take her back to town to get her cell phone and their other car so she could get some help to fix it.  It's the last day for her grand-daughters to be here and so she told her husband to go ahead and fish.  So, I jumped in the truck with her.  Half-way back I remembered that I was cooking a chicken on the stove that I had forgotten to turn off!  It was a quick trip needless to say! Thankfully, all was well when I got back.  She had to take the bad tire into New Liskeard to get it repaired, and then one of her foster children to Englehart and then back to Elk Lake.  She finally got here about 4.  What a day for her!  Then about 5:30 the electricity went off! We had already eaten dinner, so rather than sit in the gloomy cabin without power we went back to Karl and Pat's.  They had invited us for cake and ice cream to celebrate several birthdays.  When we got home the power was back on!  Hooray!!  I'm thankful tomorrow is the Sabbath.  I need a rest!

Friday, July 4, 2014

Friday - July 4

Happy holiday to everyone. Great news. Linda helped me fix the sizing problem for the editing screen and I fixed the appearance. We are back in business. Trying a different bug protection cream today. Time to clean last night's catch. Bonnie is making brownies. More later.
Delivered some brownies to the Branch President's wife. Told her about my being out of Metformin. She said, "I take that. How many do you need? I get them from my daughter for free." So she gave me about a weeks supply. My prescription from Utah should be here by then.
Lady that owns the camp makes and sells pizza. In town today at the J&S Variety store I saw it for sale by the slice, $4.20 per slice. We bought a pizza once we got back to camp. Got the large size instead of the biggest. They delivered it to our cabin. 10 pieces for $27.10, including tax.
Went fishing at 7:00. We each caught 3. Bonnie caught a walleye, a perch and a bass. I have never caught a bass in the Montreal River. She is ahead of me there. Pictures of her fishing and then with the bass are below. Also, there is picture below of a large perch caught by our cabin neighbor.

It's been a very good day not only because I caught three fish.  When we went into town I found two things we needed at the variety store which is helpful because otherwise we'd have to go to New Liskeard about 38 miles away.  I also got some primary music copied, thanks to the Br Pres's wife.  I also found the library and now know the  hours it is open. I can look into getting a library card, if I want one.  It's expensive to download all the books I want to read onto the tablet!
I hope everyone had a wonderful Fourth of July!

Thursday July 3

Bob: We have major problems with the blog editing screen. It is so large that the page does not fit on one screen. Also, as we type the cursor will move all over the place causing the typed letters to appear at random. And we accidently hit the wrong keys and everything gets erased. Would like some suggestions from someone. In an attempt to get around the editing problem with our blog I am going to attempt to write posts in Open Office and then paste it in the blog. Looks like it will work, so yesterday's activities will be posted later. Thursday started with a bike ride. Started for Elk Lake which is 4 miles away. However, Bonnie thought she could go farther. Did a 180 and started the other way. Goal was 5 miles each way for total of 10. As we approached the 5 miles Bonnie said she could go some more. Told her there was a roadside picnic area just over 6 miles from camp so we headed there. After we arrived she rested while I rode a little more. Went back and picked her up for the trip home. As we neared home she said the next time we rode that I might tempt her to go farther if we could stop in town and get some ice cream! Told her I had some money if she wanted to try today. She wasn't decided when we arrived back at the camp entrance, but I saw the widow of the previous camp owner out mowing her lawn (she lives next door to the camp). Told Bonnie that I needed to stop and see her. Her name is Jean Pelisser. After talking with Jean I asked Bonnie if she still wanted the ice cream. She said she would try. So we went into town, got her some ice cream and returned to the camp. All told she rode slightly over 20 miles and wasn't worn out when we arrived at camp. In the afternoon she worked on some things in the cabin while I went fishing. Caught one pike on a lure that Wade Stevens had shown me that works for him when trout fishing. Thanks Wade! After a walleye dinner we went fishing. Total catch was 1 perch, 1 walleye and 1 large pike. Will try to add pictures. When we got home and began to update the blog the problems with the editing started.

The scenery where we were fishing

The pike

The walleye

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Wednesday, July 2

Bob: It is finally getting too dark to see outside. It is after 10 PM. Weather has been in the 60s today. Took Bonnie fishing about 2:00 and we got back around 6:00. She caught her first walleye today!! I got one too so we have enough for dinner tomorrow. Made the discovery today that I did not bring my metformin with me. Our friend in Lindon, Robert Jackson, is trying to get it sent to me. Should come through the mail, but I may have to identify myself to get it. If anyone out there has a Canadian doctor friend I would appreciate an introduction!! Either we are getting used to the mosquitoes or they are easing up on us. That's all I have so I will turn it over to Bonnie. Took this picture to show where we really are.

Bonnie:  Just so everyone knows, I love to eat walleye!  They don't even taste like fish.  And I finally caught one, so it's been a great day!  We went for a walk last night and I found a patch of colorful wild flowers.  (See the enclosed picture.)  It's beautiful here, so peaceful.  I love the trees and all the water.  There are so many lakes.  This is really an amazing place.  As far as mosquitoes are concerned, I agree with Bob.   We still get bites but they seem smaller and don't itch as much as they did at first.  Maybe we are getting acclimatized finally.

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Tuesday, July 1, Canada Day

Bob: Hello again. We have moved in and feel at home. Attended church on Sunday. Stayed afterwards and had a roadside seat to the motorcycles passing by on the Freedom ride. Only 762 motorcycles participated. Once they passed we headed back to the cabin. Got stopped on the way home as the motorcycles were coming from another road and turning left into our path. Police had traffic stopped. Thankfully many of the cycles had dropped out of the ride.
Monday morning about 5:30 both of us were awakened by the mosquitoes. It was raining at the time. Don't know if that's what set them off or not. Other campers said they were awakened too. Bonnie went to town with Linda, the owner. They did their weekly shopping. I finally got ready and went fishing just up the river. Weather didn't look good so I didn't go far. Caught one little pike.
We fixed fish for dinner and then went trolling down the river by the railroad trestle. Went all the way to Mountain Lake. Caught 2 little walleye. Threw them back to grow up!!
Had a hard rain during the night. Spent Tuesday morning cleaning the cabin and bailing the boat. For a Canadian holiday it sure is quiet in camp. Finally had to charge the trolling motor battery. Hasn't been charged since the spring when I took it off the winter maintain charge.

Bonnie:  Happy Canada Day!! One of the checkers at Walmart yesterday reminded me to wear red today, but I don't have anything that works, unfortunately. It will be noisy tonight because of the fireworks.
Church went well, I guess.  The chorister for the Branch is very old, probably in her 80's.  She's a wonderful woman, originally from England, who spoke last Sunday.  She shared a great story about when she was a little girl during world War II being saved from a bomb!  When I asked her what songs she wanted for Primary she said that she decides when she sees the children. I guess I'll have to be prepared for anything.
Thankfully we were not awakened by mosquitoes this morning when it rained.  My last few bites are not bothering me as much, knock on wood.
Today, since we have cleaned the cabin and are not fishing until later, I'm going to make cookies.  I'm very limited in what I make because I don't have any brown or powdered sugar, baking soda or shortening.  I wish I had remembered to buy cookies at the store for Bob. It would have been so much easier.
Everyone have a wonderful day!